Dear users,
Here is the format you have to follow to report gameruiner or bug abuses.
⚠️ Please remember that you don't have to report leavers / disconnections as they are auto banned by the matchamking bot.
⚠️ Please read the mentioned acts that are considered as game ruin, don't get carried away to report game ruin just because you lose :P
Following acts are considered as gameruin :
- Destroying , hiding, stealing items, that belong to an ally.
- Refusing to play.
- Intentionally Feeding/AFK.
- Using spells to annoy your teammates, including but not limited to Toss, Decrepify, Test of Faith, Recall, etc.
- Exposing own or ally items (couriers as well) for the enemy in purpose is considered as game ruining.
- Usage of map bugs / glitches on purpose.
- Spamming / abusing in-game commands(!FF, !Ping, !drop and etc) or mini map ping abuse (massively) or game chat.
✅ Proper format to report will be :
- Name the reporter :
- Name of the user reported :
- Region of game: (Europe / Asia / America)
- Explanation of what he did :
- In-game time :
- Replay :
⚠️ (Don't report several users in the same topic (start a new topic for each) unless you provide sufficient details for each) ⚠️
*️⃣ Exemple of report :
- Name : Cedric
- User reported : MoON
- Region of game: Europe
- Reason : he stole my items and destroyed them
- Ingame tIme : 13:32
- Replay :
● [ -Wiki- ] Information about Game Replays:
✔️ Several websites can be used to upload the replay :
ℹ️ Any question regarding matchmaking feel free to join Support channel (by typing /join support on RGC client chat-box)
✅ What to write on topic's title? Reason (Region), example:

🔴 Make sure to report with the account you have participated the game with else your report will be denied and third party reports are not accepted at all.
Best Regards,